Glider Insurance Insurance Proposal Form

(Glider Insurance)

    Contact Details

    Period of Insurance

    Glider Ownership - is the aircraft owned or financed?

    If financed (Please provide details)

    Other Interested Parties

    Glider Details

    Glider 1

    Glider 2

    Glider 3

    Make & Model


    Year of Manufacture

    Date of Purchase

    Purchase price

    Passenger Seats (excluding PIC)

    Date of Last maintenance

    Hours Flown in last 12 months

    Hours Flown in next 12 months (estimate)

    Location/Base of glider

    Is the glider hangared?

    Trailer Details

    Trailer 1

    Trailer 2

    Trailer 3



    Year of Manufacture

    Purchase Price

    Does the glinder have any modification, extra or special equipment?

    If yes, please provide full details;

    Please advise if you will undertake operations that require you to have third party property in your aircraft (that would not constitute being passenger baggage or cargo) e.g. cameras, computer equipment, calibration or other equipment whether fixed to the glider or not.

    If yes, please provide full details and including items to be insured and replacement value you require these items to be insured for:

    Do any gliders have unrepaired damage?

    If yes, please provide full details:

    Geographical Limits Australia or elsewhere (please advise)


    Please show, for each glinder, the approximate number of hours for each use over the next 12 months

    Glider 1

    Glider 2

    Glider 3

    Private, Pleasure, Business (Standard Uses)


    Club Uses (excluding Ab-initio Training)

    Club Uses (including Ab-initio Training)

    Rental of Air Experience Flights


    Pilot Information: Glider(hours)



    Type of Licence


    Total Time Make & Model

    Pilot Information: Motor Glider(hours)



    Type of Licence


    Total Engine Time

    Total Time Make & Model

    Please advise if any pilot has any special conditions imposed on their licence other than glasses:

    If Pilots are not individually named, please advise your preferred Pilot Warranty:

    Pilot Details - Has any Pilot who will operate any of the proposed gliders;

    (if the answer is no, please state no)

    Had their licence suspended?

    If yes, please provide details:

    Been convicted of a Breach of Air Navigation Safety Regulation?

    If yes, please provide details:

    Been involved in an aircraft incident or accident in the last 5 years?

    If yes, please provide details:

    Claims / Loss History
    Please give details of all claims, losses or incidents involving damages, liabilities damages, liabilities or other losses associated with any aircraft in which you have been involved in the last 5 years

    Previous Insurance

    Have you (personally or as a director or partner of a company) held aircraft hull or liability insurance?

    If yes, please provide the following details:
    Name of Insurer
    Policy Number
    Expiry Date

    Has any insurance ever been canceled or declined, or renewal refused?

    If yes, please provide details:

    Glinder Hull Insurance

    Cover Required (please amend if necessary)

    Please confirm the Hull Agreed Value the glider is to be insured for:
    (Please advise if Insured currency is other than Australian Dollars)

    Glider 1

    Glider 2

    Glider 3

    Trailer Insurance

    Cover Required (please amend if necessary)

    Please confirm the Hull Agreed Value the glider is to be insured for:
    (Please advise if Insured currency is other than Australian Dollars)

    Trailer 1

    Trailer 2

    Trailer 3

    Glider Liability Insurance

    Liability Limit Required
    (Please advise if Insured currency is other than Australian Dollars)

    Glider 1

    Glider 2

    Glider 3

    As part of our ongoing commitment to the environment and to deliver faster and more efficient communication with
    our clients, we are aiming to send all future correspondence electronically. However, if you would prefer to receive a
    hard copy of correspondence including underwriters’ policy documentation and invoices, please tick the box below.

    I / We would prefer to continue to receive hard copies of all documentation

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